Why Advertise on
- Longevity and Consistency: has been the leader for information about Bodega Bay for over 20 years. It’s a comprehensive resource for anybody interested in Bodega Bay ranging from lodging, dining, things to do, and overall visitor information. - Large Engaged Audience:
In 2020, had 105,987 unique visitors. In 2021, had 126,567 unique visitors. The audience continues to grow! By advertising on, you can reach these visitors with your marketing messages. - Dominant Showing on Search Engines:
When you search on Bodega Bay on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, shows up in the top half of the first page, if not first. - Active and Relevant Blog:
There is an active Bay Blog prominently featured on the home page that regularly features activities in the Bodega Bay area and quite often highlights advertisers. - Strong Social Media Prescence:
As an extension of, there is a Facebook page that has over 12K followers and an Instagram page with over 2,900 followers. Advertising plans can include a social media component. Additionally, we have two public groups on Facebook: “What’s Happening Bodega Bay” with 912 members and “” with 694 members. - Results:
Our advertisers see a strong click-through rate on In 2021, current advertisers received 20,486 “click throughs” to their websites. The average click-through rate for display ads on travel and hospitality websites is 0.47%. delivers a 16.18% click-through rate. can bring traffic to your website.
- Longevity and Consistency: has an email list of over 4,000 emails that are emailed on a quarterly basis with relevant information about Bodega Bay that can include offers from advertisers.
Want to advertise your business or event?
We can create a comprehensive plan to achieve your internet marketing goals.
Email: Carolyn Lewis at